
  • Upcoming Special Events

    Mark your Calendars for these future special events. Come join the fun.

    Find a partner for the Sectional Tournament being held at the Bridge Center February 14-16. This is a great opportunity to experience Tournament play without having to travel very far.  Pairs games are morning and afternoon on Friday and Saturday with a team game on Sunday. Check out our flyer for more information.  Click for more information.

    To make sure we have lots of good eats, there’s a sign up sheet located at the Bridge Center. Please be sure you add your name if you are able to contribute something here. If not, then monetary donations are an acceptable alternative.

    Chattanooga has a Facebook page in case you weren’t aware. It’s been relatively dormant for some time, but efforts are now being made to re-activate it. If interested, you are encouraged to check it out. Currently, there is no link to this page on our website, however, it will be added soon. In the meantime, here’s a link — Chattanooga Facebook

    Come Chat with Joe Viola every second Tuesday of the month at 10:30 AM at the CBC. Do you have a question about a particular hand? Are you wondering which defense over a no trump opening he thinks works the best? Does he recommend upside down carding or standard. All you need to do is bring yourself and your questions, and Joe will do his best to answer them. If you are concerned about something particularly complex, you can always clue him in beforehand so he can come prepared.


    Tuesday – Under 50MP game. This is a face-to-face game held at the CBC beginning at 6:30  pm. There will be a short lesson and play will end promptly at 9:00 pm.  Players with more than 50 MP are encouraged to play with beginners to help with their game skills.

    The monthly Mentor/Mentee game is held at 12 noon on the 4th Friday every month at the CBC. This very popular format is an amazing opportunity to play bridge with a Mentor who will offer advice about bids and card play to help you improve your bridge game.  Contact Bruce Antman at 423-290-8207 and he will assign you a partner.

    There are currently quite a few players that fall into at least one of these categories. The Chattanooga Bridge Center is dedicated to offering every possible opportunity for you to come join us. This only works if the attendance merits the effort so you are strongly encouraged to participate at the level you are most comfortable.

    We look forward to seeing you more often at the Chattanooga Bridge Center.

Welcome to the Chattanooga Bridge Center website!

Come one – come all card players that know something about the game of Duplicate Bridge or who want to learn. This is where it happens in Chattanooga. We have Face-to-Face games and Online games that are ACBL Sanctioned so MasterPoints can be awarded. You will find on this site a Calendar that reflects the schedule for these games, special events and Lessons.

An annual Membership Fee of $20 is required. If you are a current member of the Chattanooga Bridge Center and are NOT receiving regular emails regarding announcements relative to our Club, please contact the Club Manager, Myra Reneau so she can make sure you receive all notifications. Her email is:

Specific information on periodic Bridge lessons can be found on the Lessons tab.

We offer an Ambassador program that ensures a player a partner for nearly all scheduled bridge games. For more information on how this works, choose the Partnership link.

Additional information found on this site are Game Results, MasterPoints, Board Information and Policies and pending Tournaments.

Covid Policy — Proof of Covid Vaccinations is no longer required for play at the Chattanooga Bridge Center.
For the complete Policy, click here.

We are actively seeking new players and encourage you to stop by during a scheduled game to check us out or give us a call. If no one answers, leave a message with your phone number and someone will contact you to answer any questions you might have and help make arrangements for you to join us to play a game. We’ll find you a partner if you don’t already have one.

Chattanooga Bridge Center (CBC)
1103 Dayton Boulevard
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405



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