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This popular introduction to the game of Duplicate Bridge will be offered on Saturday September 7, 2024. Dan Chandler will be there to provide guidance into this mosntriguing game of the ages. If you’re interested in attending, contact Dan at danlchan@hotmail.com or 423-400-6999 for more details.

CBC Library

Cheryl Whitfield, Librarian

Library Policy

Library History

Prior to moving to Chattanooga in 2002, Cheryl Whitfield lived in three states and obtained a degree from a university in each one of those states. Learning to play duplicate bridge in Chattanooga has been perhaps the hardest “degree” to earn, she says, but that education has been well worth the time and effort and added a great deal of enjoyment during her retirement years. Initially Chattanooga Bridge Center member Sue Shramko encouraged Cheryl to try bridge at the Bridge Center. At about that same time, Betty Sue Farmer opened the Bridge Center to new players for a game on Mondays so that they could learn to play the duplicate way before taking the plunge to play in any regular duplicate game. Not long after, Michael (Mike) Sherman agreed to teach a group of four newcomers in a series of private lessons that certainly improved their play of the game. Because of the welcoming attitude and encouragement of these duplicate players, Cheryl and other new players became regular players at the Bridge Center. Cheryl’s first game at the Bridge Center was in 2005, and she hasn’t stopped playing several times a week since then. Her duties as Club Librarian began in 2008, and she has maintained the club’s library since that time, ordering and processing 600+ books on the subject of bridge. Cheryl wrote the document “Chattanooga Bridge Center Library Policies and Procedures,” which was approved by the Board of Directors on November 16, 2008. No good library is without one of these documents. In lieu of a card catalog, there is a spreadsheet in a notebook that lists the library’s holdings, and any member who is interested in finding a book on a particular subject or a book by a particular author can use this list to find books the library has in its collection. The support of the library by the Board of Directors has provided a valuable resource for all mem